Гүйцэтгэсэн судалгааны ажлууд

Эрдэнэс Таван Толгойн нөлөөллийн эдийн эасгийн үнэлгээ

Зохиогч: Эдийн Засгийн Судалгаа, Эрдэм Шинжилгээний Хүрээлэн

Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Эдийн Засгийн Судалгаа, Эрдэм Шинжилгээний Хүрээлэн

Хэл: Англи

Түлхүүр үгс: Tavan tolgoi, Economic impact assessment,

Огноо: 2014-05-01

Tavan Tolgoi is one of the largest coking coal deposits in the world which has 7.4 billion tons of thermal and coking coal resources and located 270 km from the Chinese border. The analysis considered the planned mining operation and its infrastructure projects such as railroad from Tavan Tolgoi to the border of China and 450mWt power plant. Based on the computable general equilibrium (CGE), we carried out an assessment on what would be long­-term direct and indirect impacts of the mining and its infrastructure development on economic sectors.

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