Гүйцэтгэсэн судалгааны ажлууд

Төсвийн тогтвортой байдлын тухай хуулийн эдийн засагт үзүүлэх нөлөө

Зохиогч: Галиндэвийн Рагчаасүрэн

Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Economic Research Institute

Хэл: Англи

Түлхүүр үгс:

Огноо: 2013-12-01

  • Assess what is the impact of Fiscal Stability Law (FSL) on overall mining revenue management policy?
  • Assess the role of FSL in stabilizing the economy and its effectiveness
  • Assess the impact of FSL on the financing of the Human Development Fund and the Development Bank.
  • Is there a consolidated view on prioritizing allocation of mining revenue?
  • Where does the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) fit in the picture and determine the purpose of such fund?
  • Assess the current arrangement of managing the SWF?
  • Discuss what would be the optimal way of managing the fund and optimal allocation of the fund

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